Three survival tools for an inhospitable (production) environment

As a web developer, you may need to deal with your client’s production environment. Sometimes it’s not the easiest environment to work with, like in a shared hosting or a limited

I already worked with some clients that I wasn’t able to remote connect to the database. Others didn’t allow me to connect to a regular FTP service, all files had to be transferred one by one via a Web FTP.

Over the years I’ve put together some tools to help me with those situations.Other than small snippets and scripts, here are three of the tools that I must used in the last eight years.

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin)

Adminer is a single file database management tool written in PHP that can handle MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB. Useful since most of the free database GUI tools doesn’t offer Tunneling connections.

MySQL BigDump

BigDump allows you to import massive and large MySQL dumps. It works well very limited servers.


phpFileManager can help you when you don’t have FTP access to the hosting. It’s multi-uploader and compress/extract are very convenient.


I know that the use of such hostings are decreasingly over the years. But we, as developers, must be prepared to such sittuations. I hope my tips here can help you someway.